Upgrade Your Sales Page NOW!










Get Certified!

Are you ready to turn your gift for writing  into a profitable, recession-proof and fulfilling business?

Join the 2023 Class of the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification®!

Click the Link Below to Learn How You Can Get Paid to Write Copy!

Yes! I want to Get Certified!

If you’re looking to create a six- or multiple-six-figure business online, so that you can earn the revenue you desire and provide for yourself and your family while still keeping your autonomy, flexibility and freedom, I’ve got something important (and potentially life-changing) to share with you today.

There is  ONE timeless business skill that’s in over-demand and under-supply in the marketplace.

Which means that when YOU have this skill, instead of chasing folks to pay you, they’ll be begging to get on your waitlist. Even better, because this skill is in such high demand and such low supply, you get to set your rates at a premium . . . even if you’re brand new to offering this skill as a service.

How do I know?

Well, in case we haven’t met before, I’m Anna Powers, an attorney turned conversion copywriter and the Founder of the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification®.

If we’re just meeting, you may not have been aware that I was able to create a multiple-six-figure/year business online.  In fact, my company’s revenue over 2019 and 2020 combined was more than one million dollars.


  • Yes, even in a pandemic with massive global unrest and uncertainty.
  • Yes, even as a solopreneur with exactly zero employees or full-time contractors.
  • Yes, even being highly selective of the clients I take on and the jobs I say “Yes!” to because I only want to work with people whose vision and mission I can back with integrity.

To make that possible, there is ONE central skill I had to master:

Copywriting is the art and science  of using words to sell.

And without this skill, selling becomes virtually impossible, doesn’t it? 

Just imagine trying to make an offer and struggling to find the words to communicate how and why your offer is so valuable . . . maybe you’ve felt that struggle yourself, even recently. 

So by now, you probably already recognize how important copy is to businesses in general and to your business specifically (and by extension, to all the goals you’ve got for improving your life and business).

But what you may not know is that in one year, I was actually able to replace my annual salary as a full-time attorney simply by attracting high-quality clients as a freelance copywriter.

And I was able to do this without leaving my law job. Yes, that six figures from freelance copywriting was earned as a side gig  without me having to leave my full-time attorney job.


Imagine that . . . you spend 3 years and $100k+ on a law degree, only to watch your freelance copywriting business exceed your full-time lawyer income while you earn $10k (or more) a month consistently working with just a handful of high-quality copywriting clients?!

I was able to find that level of success so quickly because I saw the massive gap that exists in the marketplace that many couldn’t see:


The valuable skill of writing copy is in extraordinary demand, and is massively under-serviced.

In other words, there are far more business owners willing to pay top dollar to hire copywriters than there are trained copywriters to fulfill on the work.


In fact, before I left my law job, I was turning away thousands of dollars of copywriting jobs each month, simply because I had no more time to do them.

And to this day, I refer out thousands of dollars of copywriting work each and every month to my students and clients, because I get more requests for done-for-you copy than I can personally write myself.


All successful businesses need endless streams of copy written. . . for emails, landing pages, digital ads, even communications to their current customers and clients.

And all successful business owners know that the tighter their messaging is, the more money they'll make.


So they see the value in paying top-dollar for high-converting copy.


For example, I now charge the same rate to write a single sales page that it used to take me a month of full-time attorney work to earn.

And writing conversion copy is a skill that, once you master it . . .

You can profit from it forever.

It's not like so many other online business skills (running ads, growing social media, building automations) that change rapidly and often.

What does this mean for you?

Although I’ve been teaching online business owners how to write better copy in their own businesses for years, I have seen a major uptick in the number of businesses requesting done-for-you copy since 2020. 

In fact, the volume of inquiries grew so much that I began seriously considering teaching other ambitious people how to write high-converting copy and add a new stream of revenue to their businesses. Many of my students and followers had already been asking me how to write and get paid to write copy for others, and with the increased demand for copywriting services as more and more businesses were born and/or came online, saying yes to these students and followers became a no-brainer.


And that’s where you come in.

To satisfy the demand of my students and clients, I created a comprehensive skill-building program so that they could master the art and science of writing high-converting copy. 

The program includes both curriculum and mentorship and culminates in students having the opportunity to become a Certified Clickworthy Copywriter® and get listed on our website, where you can capture the attention (and the copywriting projects) of the thousands of people who regularly visit our site looking for quality conversion copywriting.

I officially started the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification® in the spring of 2021, and we’ve taken more than 100 incredible business owners through the program to date. 

Their successes have been BEYOND anything else we’ve seen in the 9 years I’ve been running this business. Because with our training, these students can start charging premium rates for their services and getting real-world results for their clients in 90 days or less

Many of them are making “lawyer money” (AKA $5k or more per month) within mere months of beginning our training. Take a look:


And the wins keep rolling in . . . . 

Just listen in their own words . . . . 

Brie got certified, then made $1000 in a day! 

That is probably the fastest I’ve ever seen results from an online program . . . Anna delivers tenfold in terms of value, and you will definitely get your investment’s worth if you sign up.


Chrissie signed a retainer client at more than DOUBLE her goal rate!

It is exactly what I needed and wish I had at the beginning of my copywriter's journey.

Kristin added copywriting as an additional service for her consulting clients.

I could not be more excited about the impact that this training has had and will have on my business.


Elise got 6 leads within 24 hours!

THE best thing I have ever invested in for my business. 5 stars. Highly recommend.

So if you are looking for a skill that’s so highly sought-after in the marketplace that—when you master it—you’ll be able to create a virtually recession-proof business, then it’s time for you to get introduced to . . .

Turn Your Words Into Wealth.

Enroll Now!

The Clickworthy Copywriting Certification® gets you the skills, principles, and tools you need to offer conversion copywriting services so that you can become a Go-To Expert Copywriter who can easily offer your writing services for four-, five- and multiple-five-figures per project!

You’ll know how to capture your client’s voice in the copy you write as well as how to speak in a voice that will resonate with their ideal customers. 


You’ll be able to write high-converting copy for a multitude of mediums, from sales pages, to opt-in pages, to emails, to subject lines, to headlines, hooks, and website copy…there won’t be a medium you can’t tackle with our training. 


You’ll know without-a-doubt the sequencing you must use to make the copy convert . . . and you’ll know how to adapt this to any medium you’re writing for (because it will shift for each, but it’ll never be a mystery to you)! 


All of this mastery of voice, of medium, of sequence, and of skills allows you to charge a minimum of $2k per project, our recommended per project starting rate for even a brand-new copywriter.

And you can see how when you’re charging $2k+ per project, you can quickly create a sustainable, stable, and profitable freelance business, doing meaningful work for aligned clients who are EAGER to pay you because they experience a direct ROI from the copy you create.

By now you already realize that as long as there are businesses, there is a never-ending need for copywriters.

But beyond the financial abundance your words can bring for you and for your clients, there is a deeper need for words that that touch people's lives, that move people to action, and that support people in articulating the power of their work, their message, and the lasting impact they’re here on earth to make.

And inside the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification® you get the necessary skills, principles and tools to allow YOUR words to have the power to . . .

Create Revenue

Shape Futures

Build Legacies

Transform Businesses

and Bridge Worlds 

Every potential client is in their own “World of Pain,” struggling with a problem, and eagerly seeking their “Paradise of Possibility” where that problem is finally resolved. 


 YOUR powerful words—the words you use to show the value of the offer you’re making (whether you’re writing for your own business or a client’s business)—form the bridge between that World of Pain and that Paradise of Possibility. 


Even better, you have the power to radically transform your own life for good through mastering the skill of copywriting. 


Just like copywriting was the bridge for me from being a burnt-out attorney to a successful online business owner . . .

Copywriting can be the bridge to move you from where you are now to where you truly desire to be.

And you’ll also get the benefit of seeing the positive ripples of your work when it touches and transforms those it’s meant to serve.

Enroll in The Clickworthy Copywriting Certification®

Holly booked $4100 in a week.

“I have now started a copywriting business and I've had some amazing wins in just a short time. I've been able to sign $4,100 in about week!" 

Angela secured a multiple-five-figure contract.

”I absolutely LOVED the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification. My take rates on my proposals increased and most recently I was able to land a multiple-figure copywriting project!" 


Danita helped her copywriting client bring in an additional $240k+.

“Just seeing these types of results, just let me know its possible. So, if you've been on the fence, decide to move forward and make yourself the copywriter that you deserve to be!" 

Jeanne quit her corporate job to pursue her copywriting business full-time.

”Before I even finished the certification, I had landed two of the biggest proposals ever!" 


Here’s what the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification includes:

Get the Skills You Need to Become a

Go-To Expert Copywriter

Your Guided Conversion Copywriting Curriculum includes expert-level training to support you mastering these in-demand copywriting skills:


The Sales Page is the last page a client sees before clicking the “buy” button on your offer. It’s a powerful place to shift perspectives and help the client have an “aha” moment around how your offer can support them in reaching the results they desire. Our comprehensive Sales Page training includes 17 distinct lessons covering the anatomy of a high-converting sales page and how to write each section to gain the highest conversion rates possible.  We also include sample Sales Page walk-throughs of successful, tried-and-tested pages.


While many programs teach one standard format for Sales Emails, the reality is that any  audience reading your copy is likely made up of thousands of individuals who each have different preferences and communication styles. So when you’re just using one kind of sales email, your campaigns quickly fall flat and you don’t get the results your clients are hoping for.  Inside the Certification, you receive training on multiple styles of Sales Emails so that you can create high-converting campaigns that capture the attention of all segments of your client’s audience.


If your emails don’t get opened, you lose your shot at selling an offer that could positively transform a potential client’s life! They lose out on the help they need, and your copywriting client loses out on the revenue they hired you to create. You won’t have to worry about getting your emails read once you’ve made it through this Module, where you’ll learn 4 specific subject line categories that lead to stellar open rates and how to use them in your emails.


Capturing a potential client’s email address is an important first step toward transforming them from an audience member into a paying customer, and you’ll learn a winning formula to create opt-in pages that convert at double (or more!) industry-standard rates in this Module.


When you know how to create a high-converting trip-wire page for your client, you have the opportunity to show them the ROI for their investment in copywriting almost instantly.  This page allows them to recoup any money spent on advertising so that they can add high-quality leads to their email list without going in the red.


A website is the storefront of any online business. And it doesn’t matter how beautifully-designed the site is if the words describing how that business can help a potential client don’t make sense. In this Module, you’ll master how to create high-converting website copy that moves the reader from connection to conversion.  This Module includes training on the “Forgotten” pages that most writers neglect that can result in major revenue gains for your client when written correctly.

As you can see from reading through the skills we teach, there are many MEDIUMS you’ll need to be equipped to write high-converting copy for . . . from sales pages, to free opt-in pages, to website copy, to hooks and headlines, and more!


With our skills-based training, you’ll know how to master EACH of these, including how to properly SEQUENCE your copy for each medium. The ordering and flow of high-converting sales page copy is vastly different from the ordering and flow of  high-converting email copy. But you’ll never have to wonder HOW to apply your skills  to these different mediums of copy, because we give you the step-by-step plan inside the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification®. 

Master the Principles that set you apart as a Go-To Expert Copywriter

Buying Prompts

Human psychology ultimately governs all buying decisions, and there are key “buying prompts” you  can use in your copy to transform an audience member into a client or customer. You’ll learn how to use these buying prompts in an ethical and authentic manner to create desire and demand for any offer, in any niche, at any price point.  


Many struggling copywriters stay at the surface level when attempting to address and overcome a potential client’s objections. But a Go-To Expert Copywriter understands that the only effective way to shift an objection is to understand the belief that’s causing that objection to arise.  Inside the Certification, you’ll master ten specific sleight of mouth patterns that you can use in your copy to show potential clients a new, more helpful perspective that will allow them to finally get the support they deserve.


To become a Go-To Expert Copywriter, you must believe it’s possible for you.  Inside the Certification, you’ll learn how to observe your thoughts and coach yourself out of negative thinking patterns so you can get known as an in-demand Copywriter. You’ll also overcome the fear of charging premium rates, because with the skills you’ll get from our training, you can help all of your clients get a quick ROI, no matter how much you’re charging them!  

Access Tools that will Transform your Copy from Lackluster to Luminous!

GAIN Copy Research Blueprint™

Each of our Certified Clickworthy Copywriters receives full access to our proprietary GAIN Copy Research Blueprint™, including our signature questionnaires and forms.  The GAIN framework enables you to prep for each project like the professional you are so that you have everything you need to write high-converting copy at your fingertips!


THIS is the Blueprint that allows you to effortlessly capture your client’s voice AND speak to your client’s ideal clients in a way that deeply resonates and connects with them.  It doesn’t matter how skillful your copy is . . . IF your client doesn’t think it “sounds like them,” they won’t re-hire you. So our GAIN Copy Research Blueprint™ is your ticket to copy that feels like it’s basically writing itself AND clients who are eager to rebook you and work with you repeatedly because you’re able to completely nail their voice.

Copy Questionnaires

From templates that will allow you to collect stellar testimonials from your satisfied clients, to Intake Questionnaires for new clients, to booking form examples for potential clients, you receive access to the tools you need to grow your Go-To Expert Copywriting Business.

Swipe Files

You get access to FULL Swipe files including dozens of tried and tested emails for various launch styles so that you never have to start from scratch when crafting high-converting email campaigns. You even get our full Subject Line Swipe File with more than 100 proven, high-performing subject lines that’ll get your emails opened and noticed (plus you see our behind-the-scenes stats on how each subject line has performed in the real world).

Copy Demos

Your Certification portal features demos of high-performing pages from multiple business owners across multiple niches so you always have a real-world example of each concept we teach inside the program. Nothing we give you is pure theory or hypothesis.  We’re teaching proven strategies for creating copy that converts and gets tangible results for you and your clients.

Enroll Now!

When you complete the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification®, you have the opportunity to be featured on our official Certified Clickworthy Copywriters Directory Page on our website for a full year. You’ll be poised to get noticed by the thousands of business owners who visit our site looking for trained conversion copywriters.


Kimberly secured a paid test project!

“The trainings in this program are all I would ever need going forward. In fact, I just completed a paid test project for a landing page. And, the client absolutely LOVED it!" 

Katharine wrote a high-converting Sales Page! 

“Within the first two months of the program, I was writing my first sales page, which got above average conversion rates. And, I raised my rates!” 


Jodi sent out an $8K proposal!

“I had booked 4 interviews with potential clients within 6 weeks and sent out an $8,000 package quote. I do have so much confidence in the skills that I was taught!

Andrea found the missing piece to running a successful business! 

Since taking the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification, I'm very confident in my writing skills now . . . I've finally landed into the career that I'm truly loving. 

Enroll today

Here’s Your Module-By-Module Guide to the Certification:

SEE what's waiting for you inside once you join…

Module one:

What Makes A Go-To Expert Copywriter

Learn the distinguishing factors that separate struggling freelancers from Go-To Experts in this Module, and master your thoughts and beliefs around your ability to create a profitable, sustainable business with your conversion copywriting skills.

Module Two:

Buying Triggers

Learn how to effectively and ethically use psychological buying triggers in your copywriting so that ideal clients can easily move from connection to conversion.

Module three:

The GAIN Copy Research Blueprint™

Master this proprietary 4-step framework that will help you GAIN a happy copywriting client with every project you book.  You’ll know exactly what questions to ask and what evidence to gather to write high-converting copy for any assignment.

Module Four:

The High-Converting Sales Page

Get the guidance you need to write a Sales Page that converts, from top to bottom. The Sales Page is the last item your client sees before clicking the “Buy” button, so it’s a page you must master to get the best results for yourself and your clients.

Module five:

High-Converting Sales Emails

Learn multiple frameworks for writing sales emails that convert readers into buyers. Inside this Module, you’ll get training on a variety of different styles of sales emails, so your campaigns are never one-note and are able to captivate your entire audience.

Module Six:

Subject Lines

If you want your emails to get read, you’ve got to get them opened first. This Module will show you how to do it!

Module seven:

Opt-In and Trip-Wire Pages

Ensure that you’re able to get high-quality leads for yourself and your clients by writing high-converting opt-in pages. Our pages generally convert at 50% or higher, vs. the industry standard of just 20-24%. Imagine how much revenue you’re saving yourself and your clients when you can double the conversion rates on your opt-in pages! Then use a high-converting Trip-Wire page to transform new audience members into paying clients and customers almost instantly.

Module Eight:


Go below the surface and learn to identify and shift the beliefs causing potential clients’ objections with your copy in this powerful Module. You’ll master 10 sleight-of-mouth patterns and begin using them ethically in your copywriting so that potential clients understand the transformational value of the offer you’re presenting.

Module Nine:

High-Converting Website Copy

A website is the storefront of any online business. And it doesn’t matter how beautifully-designed the site is if the words describing how that business can help a potential client don’t make sense. In this Module, you’ll master how to create high-converting website copy that moves the reader from connection to conversion.  This Module includes training on writing a high-converting Home Page, About Page, Services Landing Page, 404 Page, Process Page, Resources Page, Press Page and more.

Module ten:

Get Certified!

Module 10 walks you through the full certification process so you can become a Certified Clickworthy Conversion Copywriter, get featured on our official Certified Clickworthy Copywriters’ Directory Page, and start getting high-quality leads and referrals!

Enroll Now!

Here’s What Your Clickworthy Copywriting Certification® Program Includes:

10 Powerful Skill-Sharpening Modules

{Value $7997}

  • Includes Video Trainings, PDF Guides and Templates 
  • All Lessons are Fully Searchable with Searchie, a tool which lets you quickly access any place in the content where the topic you’re looking for is discussed 
  • Get the skills, tools and principles you need to write high-converting copy 
  • Unlock lifetime access to the Modules upon Certification

8 LIVE Certification Coaching Calls

{Value $4000}

  • Eight ninety-minute Mentoring Calls led by Anna Powers to deepen your understanding of the Certification material
  • Calls include Q & A and Coaching so you can get your personal questions answered as you move through the program 
  • Calls include Skill-Sharpening Copy Review calls where you’ll get feedback on the copy you prepare as you move toward Certification 
  • All calls are recorded and fully searchable with Searchie, a tool which lets you quickly access any place in the calls where the topic you’re looking for is discussed 

Private Online Community

{Value Priceless}

  • Engage with your fellow writers between calls
  • Receive additional resources + copywriting leads 
  • Celebrate your wins as you elevate your copywriting skills! 
  • Private Community includes access to feedback from Anna and our team between calls

Opportunity to become a certified clickworthy copywriter 

{Value $9997}

  • Become a Certified Clickworthy Copywriter™ and put the power of our name and reputation behind your skills
  • Gain instant credibility with your audience by displaying our official Certified Clickworthy Copywriter™ Seal on your website, in your email signature and anywhere else you want to show that you’re qualified to write high-converting copy
  • Certify within 90 days and start earning as a conversion copywriter this quarter ... or take up to a full year to complete your Certification if you prefer a more leisurely pace (our program is designed to get you fully certified in 90 days or less, but we understand that life happens so we give you space to complete the program within a year if you prefer that)
Yes! I want to get certified!

PLUS, when you join us, you get these Bonuses worth $12,988:

Million Dollar Swipe File Bundle 

Value: $4997

Enjoy DOZENS of high-performing, proven swipe files and copy templates from million-dollar business owners like James Wedmore, Jessica DeRose, Christie Miller, Laura Schoenfeld and more! These are behind-the-scenes looks at ACTUAL pieces of copy that top online business owners are using and getting results with NOW . . . and you’ll be able to take them and adapt them for your own client work and promos.

Plus, you get four full swipe files from Anna herself (that’s nearly 50 pages of emails) for an Email Only Launch, Webinar Launch, Hybrid Launch and more that you can use as models to write high-converting launch copy for your clients. Each of Anna’s swipe files includes an accompanying promotion debrief outlining detailed, real-world results from that campaign.

You’d never be able to get this insider access to high-level copy in so many different niches outside of paying $100k+ to join the programs of each of the business owners you’re getting swipe from. But you’re benefiting from Anna’s valuable network as a Certification student, so we’re giving you access to the BEST swipes on the planet!

167 High-converting Hooks and Headlines

Value: $997

Your hook is what draws your reader in and gets them primed for the purchase. And there’s both an art and a skill to writing a high-converting hook. In this special bonus, Anna walks you through 167 high-converting hooks and results-getting headlines that’ll keep your reader engaged and turn even the coldest audience member into a serious prospect.

Anna covers hooks in all different niches so no matter what kind of clients you choose to write for, there’s something for you here.

Get Featured on Anna’s Website for a FULL Year!

($4997 value)

As soon as you certify, you’ll have the opportunity to get  featured on our Certified Clickworthy Copywriters Directory Page on Anna’s website where your biography, copy specialty and direct contact info will be accessible to the thousands of visitors who come to the website looking for high-quality conversion copywriting support. You get a full profile on our website for an entire year post-Certification to give your copywriting career a jumpstart with high-quality clients!


BONUS Ticket to Clickworthy Copywriting LIVE™

In-person 3-day Event!

Value: $1997

Join us for 3 days in beautiful Dallas, Texas and learn what’s working NOW in the world of copy and messaging, in real time and in person!

Meet your fellow Clickworthy Copywriters and gather new skills to support your growing business. Lifelong friendships and powerful professional relationships are waiting for you when you take advantage of this special bonus event.

PLUS Your Fast-Action Bonus

Available on Cart Open Day, January 30 ONLY!

Your $5k in 30 Days Copywriting Challenge

{Value: $5000}

 In this Bonus Module, you’ll access a step-by-step method to secure your first, or next, $5k in copywriting projects.

This bonus unlocks as soon as you complete your Certification and will deliver a daily video + action step to your inbox so you know exactly what to do to book $5k in copywriting projects in less than a month.

Get Your $5k Challenge BONUS!

Plus Your Cart-Close Day Bonus!

AI Basic Training for Copywriters

{Value: $997} 

Learn how to leverage AI for your copywriting business with this brand-new bonus only available when you enroll before the end of the day! With this training, you’ll see that while AI can never replace human copywriters (it depends on YOU to put in prompts that allow it to create high-converting copy), it can make your job as a copywriter much easier and more effective. 

This training will walk you through which AI tools we recommend and how you can best use them to bolster the results you get for your clients. We’ll also explore how you can add an AI element into your copywriting offers to capitalize on this powerful tool.

Enroll in the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification®

Single installment bonus $50k beta launch strategy

{Value: $997} 

Get access to a special training with Anna where she’s walking you through her copy strategy for running a beta launch that generated $50k in revenue before the product was even built. 

You’ll get the entire strategy + copy docs for Anna’s own $50k beta launch and learn how to apply it in your own business and for your copy clients.

Enroll in the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification®

Here's what's waiting for you inside once you join…

Installment Plan

Most Flexible

Six Monthly Installments of



10 Powerful Modules on the Skills, Principles and Tools you need to master Conversion Copywriting

{Value $7997} 


8 Live Certification Calls

{Value $4000}



Private Online Community

{Value Priceless}



Lifetime Access to Content Upon Certification

{Value Priceless}



One Year to Complete the Certification

{Value Priceless}



Complimentary Profile on the Certified Clickworthy Copywriter Directory Page

{Value $4997}



Million Dollar Swipe Files 

{Value $4997}


167 High-Converting Hooks and Headlines

{Value $997}     


$5K in 30 Days Copywriting Challenge 

{Value $5,000}


AI Basic Training for Copywriters 

{Value $997}


Ticket to Clickworthy Copywriting LIVE™ 3-day Event

{Value $1997}

$50k Beta Launch Strategy Session

LIVE with Anna

{Value $997}




Enroll Now!

Full Investment

Best Value

Single Installment of



10 Powerful Modules on the Skills, Principles and Tools you need to master Conversion Copywriting

{Value $7997} 


8 Live Certification Calls

{Value $4000}


Private Online Community

{Value Priceless}



Lifetime Access to Content Upon Certification

{Value Priceless}



One Year to Complete the Certification

{Value Priceless}



Complimentary Profile on the Certified Clickworthy Copywriter Directory Page

{Value $4997}



Million Dollar Swipe Files 

{Value $4997}


167 High-Converting Hooks and Headlines

{Value $997} 


$5K in 30 Days Copywriting Challenge 

{Value $5,000}


AI Basic Training for Copywriters 

{Value $997}


Ticket to Clickworthy Copywriting LIVE™ 3-day Event

{Value $1997}


$50k Beta Launch Strategy Session

LIVE with Anna

{Value $997}




Enroll Now!

Let's Chat! 

Want to speak with Anna to make sure the Certification is your next best step?

Click the icon in the bottom right corner of the page to DM Anna, and she’ll message you back to answer your questions!




Your Copy Chief Money-Back Guarantee 


A Copy Chief is the writer who sets the vision for the project, coordinates the work, and ensures that every client receives a stellar-quality end result. As the creator of the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification® and the Copy Chief of this program, my promise to you is that you will receive all of the training and mentorship you need to elevate your conversion copywriting skills so that you can create your own six-figure copywriting business or add an additional six-figures in revenue to your current business. 

Because I believe so strongly in this Certification, and because the results of our Certified Cllickworthy Copywriters speak for themselves, the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification® is backed by a 30-day Copy Chief Guarantee. If you’re not 100% sure about joining us because other programs have let you down, rest assured that you can jump in now risk-free, get access to the first several modules of the program, and start using them to see results in your writing immediately.

You have nothing to lose—and revenue, impact, and ideal clients to gain—by joining us today!
Click here to see the full Guarantee details.
Get Certified!

Can I just say wow!

I was really struggling with creating my copy for my program, The Quantum Launch. I felt like I was just too close to it and everything I wrote just felt like it was falling flat. I hired Anna and her Clickworthy Copywriting Certified Writer Jodi  to create my sales copy for my program, and as soon as I spoke to them I knew they just GOT IT. The entire process was aligned and easy for me and what they produced had me beyond excited. They took what was in my head...and in my program and really showcased it perfectly. I would highly recommend working with Anna and her Certified Copywriters. They made the process easy and seamless...and worked magic with their copy! 


Nicole Culver

Creator, The Quantum Launch

Clickworthy Copywriting Certification to be a "must-do" course

In my previous corporate roles and now as a business owner, I have done a lot of copywriting over the years, but never really grasped what I was trying to achieve and how to deliver this effectively.  I knew it was "words that sell" but what did that mean?

I now understand that my potential client wants to recognise themselves in my copy, see that I understand their pain and most importantly, have a solution to that pain.  I know how to write eye-catching headlines and sub-headlines that make my copy skimmable, whilst getting the most important points across.  I pride myself on knowing how to help my potential client, but now I know how to write clear and powerful calls-to-action that help them take that first step. 

Taking Sara Anna's course means that I have not just been learning the art of conversion copywriting, I have been learning how to empower my potential clients to take the action that will give them the results they want. 

I feel that conversion copywriting is one of the most powerful skills I now have as a business owner and consider the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification to be a "must-do" course for everyone who wants to reap the benefits of making their client or customer the centre of their copy.


Jo Milgrew

United Kingdom

I've doubled our email open rates!

When I first met Anna, I was new to the world of copywriting. So I needed all the help I could get! I'm now almost 6 months out of her Clickworthy Copywriting Course, but Anna's words and advice are still ringing in my head. I've doubled our email open rates from an average of 23% to 38.5%, with some emails hitting 40-41% within 24 hours! I feel a lot more secure and confident in my copy and have a newfound excitement towards my passion for writing. This course literally changed my life! 


Magdelyn Choo

one of the best investments I've ever made as an entrepreneur

I discovered Anna Powers' Clickworthy Copywriting course at a pivotal point in my life.  I'd always had an interest in copywriting and wanted to learn to write like some of the pros I'd admired.  After reading more about the course - and exchanging a few emails with Anna herself - I was convinced of the superior value I'd be getting. So I happily enrolled! In retrospect, this was one of the best investments I've ever made as an entrepreneur . . . most importantly, Anna's course gave me the practical skills that have yielded real results in my copywriting practice. Armed with what I've learned, I was able to confidently and successfully complete a 5-figure project for my very first client!.


Stephanie Thomas

Listen to our fellow Clickworthy Copywriters!


Hollie increased her annual revenue by $40k!

I was able to help my client book 30 sales calls in one month just from my emails!

April got the confidence to ask for premium rates for her work.

I was very hungry to uplevel my skills and uplevel the quality of work that I delivered to my clients. And by joining the program, I did uplevel my skills.


Laura booked two copywriting projects before even completing the program!

I was able to earn back 100% what I invested to join the program from those two projects that I booked . . . if you love to write and are looking for a business that will be profitable, recession-proof and where the sky's the limit to where you can take it, then this program is for you.

Enroll and Get Certified Now!

Answers to your most frequently-asked questions:

Get Certified Now!

Penny booked a $5700 client!

I'm really, really excited for 2023 moving forward to have this type of business, and I can't wait to see you in there!" 

Susan has already started receiving referrals!

I've changed from this being a hobby-level business to going all-in. I'm laying the foundation for it to be able to replace by 6-figure income that I had with the nursing, and I'll be doing something that I love!" 


Kristin secured a $3k copywriting contract even before certifying!

I was able to secure that contract in confidence knowing that I have been taught the frameworks on how to deliver and to deliver well for my clients. I cannot recommend this program enough!" 

It's Decision Time.

You can keep trying to chase the trends and go after the skills that seem flashy now but are destined to become outdated in mere months. Or you can learn to master the ONE timeless skill all business owners will ALWAYS need so you never run out of clients who are not just happy—but eager—to hire you for top dollar.

Join the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification!

 Read this before you go! 

If any part of you is questioning whether the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification® program is “too good to be true,” I get it.  I personally invested more than $48,000 in building an online business before I started to see real financial returns for my efforts.  And I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase about hindsight being 20/20? 


Well, I can look back now and see how all the money I was spending on coaching programs, software platforms, expensive branding and website design,  etc., was never going to get me results until I began mastering the skill of conversion copywriting. 


Because you can have the most gorgeous, sleek, and sophisticated website in the world, but if the words on your site don’t make sense, you won’t sell a thing. And if you don’t know how to communicate the value of an offer to your ideal client, how would they ever get inspired to buy? 


It was only when I began learning—and offering as a service—conversion copywriting that the business began to flourish.  


Instead of the $50 I made in the first year of my business, or the roughly $2200 I made in year two . . . 


The year (year 3) that I began offering copywriting services was the year the business brought in $128k . . . while I was still practicing law full-time. In fact, I got so busy that I actually began hiring junior copywriters to support me with all the new projects that were getting booked, and even then I still had to say no to many people who wanted to pay us because there was simply more work to do than time to do it in! 


Copywriting was THE skill that allowed me to grow the business from six-figures to multiple-six-figures the very next year, and  “retire” from the practice of law. 


And it’s the skill that gets our clients life-changing results . . . from our done-for-you copywriting clients who consistently experience six- and seven-figure launches . . . to our Certified Clickworthy Copywriters™ who hit milestones like $42k in 3 months, $4100 booked in a week, and walking away from a day job to go full-time as a freelance copywriter. 


If you have been looking for a skill that can let you finally succeed online and get real, tangible results for yourself and your clients, I believe copywriting is your answer. 


You deserve to experience the success you desire. 


I’d love to support you in mastering this timeless, in-demand, and lucrative skill inside the Clickworthy Copywriting Certification®.   

you're one click away   

Get Certified Today!

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On this page, you'll see that the Company has reported on the success of one or more of its existing or prior clients/customers. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information about this success is accurately portrayed by the Customer. You acknowledge that the prior success of others does not guarantee your success.

As with any business, your results may vary and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. There is no guarantee that you will make any income at all and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual.  Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.

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